Source: Proceeding of TPCG 2003
Keyword: Pedestrian Simulation, Collision Detectino, Flows Grid, Dense Crowd
According to observing in everyday life, when congestion occurs, people tend to follow the person in front of them. This is because we trust that the person in front of us probably made the right direction.
The flows as a direction field which stored into the 2D grid. The direction of agent has stored as soon as it reach a cell. This direction field then fades over time to completely disappear. When an agent reaches a cell, it checks which direction was chosen by a previous agent and when. It then uses this information to make its own decision. The direction field is updated depending on this new direction, but taking into account for the previous direction stored.
Adaptation to density
The density factor influences decisions when pedestrians are to collide with one another.

Group Behavior
They define a group by a leader and members which have the same average speed and way of accelerating.
The leader decides which the direction to take, and the members follow. Members still perform collision detection, but their choice is influenced by the leader.
The group move in a sequential way: the leader of a group always moves first. Once it has moved, it tags three tiles behind its position with an advised tile flag. Then the member of the group will move one by one in the same frame: they have to move to the advised tile.

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