In the beginning of the book, the author claims that our ego-based state of consciousness not only takes away one’s personal happiness but also produces conflicts and suffering throughout the world. If people cannot shift in consciousness, we will always create the same world which pains us. On the contrary, the whole new world will emerge only when people live in the awakened state.
Then Tolle explain what is the principal barrier to the awakened state: ego. Ego is the illusion of "I" by mistakenly indentifying with the world of form, such as gender, body, race, nationality, region, occupation, accumulated possession, social role, etc. In other words, ego is what you think who you are, the identification of you, and it always makes you need more possession to strengthen the identification in order to survive. The ego does not know the source of all energy is within you, so it seeks it outside. The dreadful thing is that ego is never satisfied with what you have because it always needs more than whatever you gain. The ego exists in the thought of form and always compulsively creates a plenty of repetitious nonsense voice in the head. Furthermore, the voice pretends to be you, unobserved emotions also react to it, and it could create the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealousy, and unhappiness to make people suffer when ego feels great deficiency. Christianity calls this kind of human dysfunction Original Sin; Hinduism calls it Maya; Buddhism calls it Dukkha.
Even though the normal state of humankind causes suffering, it is possible for us to radically transform our consciousness and escape from the ongoing prison – living in the present moment. Tolle believes that human intellect does not have any solution of the suffering of humankind, because the thinking is also a tiny aspect of consciousness. He then informs us that the only way to diminish ego or to transcend ego is to be aware of it, since awareness and ego are incompatible. “Whenever you notice the voice of ego, you will realize that you are not the voice, but the one who is aware of it… In the background there is the awareness. In the foreground, there is the voice, the thinker. In this way you are becoming free of the ego, free of the unobserved mind,” says Tolle in his book. However, the awareness can only emerge by the way of focusing your attention on the present. The presence can help people destroy the time-bound state of consciousness; therefore, they will not feel pain anymore by something that has happened but should not have or by something that has not happened but should have. The world we living always changes constantly and anything happening is unstable. Thus, only when we face facts, experience the present moment, and do not resist the situations we encounter every day, we become empowered because we are alignment with universal purpose. Finally, after you finish shifting the consciousness from the ego-based state to the presence state, happiness will come from inside and a whole new world will appear in front of you.
This book really touches and inspires me, because I was sort of person who always feel anxiety, stress, self-abased and paranoid. The failure in the past and the wanting in the future were the things I was usually concerned about, and that always made me unhappy. I also always thought that I was not good enough and never satisfied even when actually getting some improvement. After reading this book, I try to practice doing something to help me focus my attention to the present moment, for example, doing meditation and reading the Diamond Sutra. It is really amazing! There is a magical power which totally changes me. I will not feel so frustrated when I encounter failure and will not be arrogant when I do something good, if I try to focus on now. Moreover, I do not suffer from insomnia anymore and enthusiastically meet everyday life in the morning. I experience the whole new world. So I strongly recommend those persons who always think that they mess up their life should really take a look at this book. Also, it is absolutely worth taking time to read this book for anyone who would like to awaken the life’s purpose.
2009/6/18 下面是我在e-mail中,向朋友推薦這本書,
2.感受小我產生的無意識 (其實就是東方人說的"念頭")
3.一旦得以感受到小我不斷湧現的念頭, 就有機會不被其掌控
4.當能夠不被小我掌控, 本質就會再現
5.本質再現, 眼前的事物便不再受小我所詮譯, 於是不再有抗拒,
而是接受與順應眼前的一切, 與之融合一體..
而且那些名詞再經過翻譯後, 就更難懂了...
所以我猜看這本書時, 先不要太執著於名詞的定義, 讀起來會比較流暢...
美麗人生練習本 - 通往成功的100堂課
這本書以非常簡單明瞭的方式, 告訴人們什麼是"小我"
可以開智慧, 當時我只是抄在筆記本上..
上大學後, 有一次去看中醫,
那個中醫跟我閒聊, 也推薦我一定要看一下這本書..
我就到網路上下載, 但是沒有看..直到去年才開始慢慢一點點的看...
雖然還有三分之一沒看完..但是它跟 "一個新世界 "一樣,
但目的都是一樣的, 都是找到本質, 找到佛.
它其實並沒有那麼遙遠且神奇, 它就是本質,
它不是名詞, 而是一個形容詞, 形容一個難以用言語形容的XXX...
很多人喜歡把XXX代換成境界, 但是一旦有了境界,
小我就出現了, 它不是佛...
"一個新世界"的作者用 "內在空間"來代換XXX,
蠻貼切的一個詞; 金剛經則是用"空"來闡釋..
但是他們都只是一個法門, 一個方向..
還有千萬別過於執著佛,空, 內在空間.....等定義,
因為它們都是形容詞, 是要靠體驗的,
一旦過於執著文字上的定義, 就找不著它了..
最後, 若有機會接觸靜坐的話, 建議可以嘗試看看,
真的很難不讓我想到"A New Earth"和"金鋼經說什麼"這兩本書,
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